Dr Magdalena Christ – Doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy; assistant professor at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice; therapist in the field of pedagogical therapy and early development support; popularizer of activities counteracting the nature deficit syndrome among children, adolescents and adults; accredited tutoring practitioner, trainer of the “Odyssey of the Mind” program; author of the book entitled “Individualization of the education process for early childhood education students. “Apprehension of interpersonal differences in directional abilities from the perspective” and several dozen scientific and popular science articles on educational topics; enthusiast of alternative pedagogy, visual thinking, tutoring, gamification and other innovative methods and forms of education; implementer of original modules in working with students in the field of adventure pedagogy (outdoor and adventure education), the use of shadow theater in education, individualization of the educational process, visual thinking, tutoring, mindfulness training, application of the design thinking method in education; author of a Facebook profile on education: Edukociołek (https://tiny.pl/cqv8x); winner of the Innovative Teaching Award 2023 of the Transform4Europe alliance. Privately, she is a mother of two girls, a fan of children’s literature and chocolate; a restless spirit inspired in life by the words “Be the change you want to see in the world” /Gandhi/